Thanks Helen

One of my “paintings of the month” sold to Helen in Toronto… I was happy to deliver it to her at her home in High Park and she was happy to receive it and saw that the colours were pretty much true to what she saw on her computer screen.

I make a point of getting impeccable scans in the studio in my home in Ottawa… I have a great setup with proper lights, filters tripod and of course camera (Canon 5D with superb lens) which allows me to that what you see is what you get.

Here is Helen and Johns’ new painting, which was getting lots of attention at the Ottawa Art Expo…









I also dropped some paintings off at the Westmount and Arta Galleries.

I was planning on hanging around Toronto for the evening but my brothers’ new house wasn’t quite ready for a visit. So I kept on driving after grabbing a bite at Swiss Chalet.

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