Just got back from a great time in Vancouver and Victoria, BC. I have a great extended family in Victoria, and made a point to visit with my dad’s 2 sisters, Susie and Sheila. My brother Jim came with me and we were given copies of old photos of my grandfather as a kid working for Colbert and Sons Plumbing, in Victoria. Our family goes back to that beautiful city generations and generations.
Made a point of stopping by a couple of galleries while out west and was a bit surprised to see so many artists from Ontario represented. Great to check them out for future reference, just in case I want to have a BC gallery represent me as well.
The day ended with dinner with my many cousins and their spouses at the Red Robin, on our way out of Victoria. What a great bunch they are.
I always enjoy chatting with folks on planes, and today was no exception, with 2 nice people “making my day” on my flights home. And I’m always delighted to have people come by the studio in Ottawa any time they may happen to be in town.
A shot of the sunset on Kits Beach in Vancouver.