Anne-Marie and Daniel

It’s part of the privilege and honour of being a fine artist that I am lucky enough to have people like Anne-Marie and Daniel, from Montreal, come to visit me at my studio in Ottawa.

The passion that Anne-Marie has for art is exceptional, and I was delighted to have them over to show them some of the paintings I had on hand.  I sold them 2 large pieces and look forward to delivering them to there home during the next few weeks, as the art was too large to fit into their vehicle.  Merci, guys, and enjoy the rest of your weekend in the nations’ capital.

Later on had a beautiful walk in the Gatineau hills, over in Quebec.  Our friend Karen, an interior designer who is going to help me to design a new studio in our 2-car garage, is in town and she came along for the hike with our buddies Brian and Martha.  A fun, gorgeous fall day…

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